TGI’s Quality Policy ensures that we:

  • Operates our business in a manner consistent with our values
  • Satisfy our customers by providing high-quality and cost-effective products and services conforming to clearly established requirements
  • Create and maintain suitable and safe working environment and employment conditions
  • Establish trust and mutually beneficial relationships with customers and suppliers
  • Provide long-term and sustainable value to our stakeholders

TGI is continually committed to:

  • Improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management System
  • Comply with the relevant regulations and requirements

TGI’s policy is achieved by:

  • Establishing measurable objectives for achieving satisfaction of our customers and other interested parties
  • Communicating the quality policy and objectives to all employees and contractors
  • Implementing a Quality Management System conforming to the International Standard ISO 9001 throughout the company
  • Providing adequate resources to meet the company’s quality objectives
  • Continually improving the company’s Quality Management System

This Policy will be reviewed annually and updated accordingly to ensure that the Quality Objectives meet the needs of our stakeholders.


TGI’s policy ensures that:

  • Information and information systems are protected against unauthorized access
  • Information is not disclosed to unauthorized persons through deliberate or accidental means
  • Information is available to authorized users when and where needed
  • Integrity of information and information systems is protected
  • Regulatory, legislative, and contractual obligations will be met
  • All information security breaches are reported and investigated
  • Security controls are reviewed regularly, and improvements are planned, and implemented
  • Managers are directly responsible for implementing the ISMS Policy within their units, and for adherence by their staff
  • Policies, procedures, and guidelines will be reviewed annually

Environment, Safety and Health Policy

The Organization is committed to promoting a culture of safety, health, and environmental sustainability. We value the wellbeing of our Workers and the state of our environment. In addition, our various stakeholders – the government, our clients, vendors, and our community – are increasingly requiring a higher degree of compliance on ESH. We intend to accomplish this by:

  • Creating and maintaining a safe, healthy, and environmentally compliant workplace for our Workers and partners.
  • Defining ESH objectives through identifying significant hazards and effects to the environment resulting from our operations, performing risk and opportunity assessment, and determining ESH legal and other requirements.
  • Creating ESH programs and ensuring compliance to ESH objectives by empowering Workers, business partners and visitors to proactively engage in promoting safe work and environmentally friendly practices.
  • Continuously reviewing and improving our ESH performance through programs such as but not limited to responsible consumption and reuse of resources, effective elimination/mitigation of health and safety hazards, reduction of risks, and better control of activities that affect the environment.

This policy shall be reviewed annually and updated if required to ensure that the ESH objectives meet the needs of interested parties.

Business Continuity Policy

The Organization is committed to ensuring not only the capability to continue its critical business operations within acceptable time frames but also to prioritizing the safety and well-being of our people during any disruptions. We recognize that our most valuable asset is our people, and our approach to business continuity is designed to safeguard them while also maintaining the resilience of our operations at predefined levels in alignment with stakeholder expectations.

We intend to accomplish this by:

  • Establishing a business continuity management system (BCMS) based on ISO 22301;
  • Identifying and prioritizing the Organization’s critical business operations through a robust and consistent business impact analysis and risk assessment processes;
  • Implementing, exercising, and enhancing Business Continuity Plans to ensure effective response and recovery during disruptions, focusing on minimizing impact on both people and operations
  • Prioritizing the safety and well-being of employees during and after a disaster;
  • Fostering a culture of resilience across the Organization by integrating business continuity principles into daily operations;
  • Complying with relevant and applicable legal and regulatory obligations relating to Business Continuity or operational resilience, as well as contractual requirements; and
  • Continually improving BCMS effectiveness through regular evaluation considering any changes in the requirements of the Organization’s stakeholders.

This Policy shall be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to ensure that the BCMS objectives meet the needs of the Organization and interested parties.

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